An Amazing Performance: Of Mice and Men
After getting off to a rough start when both of the Acting Company’s touring buses broke down on their way to Pullman, the Acting Company turned in a moving performance of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men to a sold out Jones Theatre on Friday night.
The acting was phenomenal. Director Ian Belknap did an amazing job with the actors and John Steinbeck’s script. From the moment they stepped onto the Jones Theatre stage, the actors were in the moment, stepping with purpose even when simply setting up a scene.
Joseph Midyett as the likeable and protective George accompanied by Christopher Michael McFarland as the strong yet childlike Lennie gave stunning performances as the two brotherly companions. You could feel how much they yearned for a place of their own and see the strong sense of hope and relief at the idea that their hard work could be ended soon with the help of Candy, played by Joseph Tisa.

Lennie (left) played by Christopher Michael McFarland and George (right) played by Joseph Midyett. Photo from the Acting Company website.
The first act left the audience with such hope for George, Lennie and Candy but with a nagging fear and foreshadowing that it wouldn’t come soon enough. And it doesn’t. Unfortunately, no matter how much you want them to succeed, the ending never changes.
This play reminds us that people are just seeking companionship, in both human and animal form. Most just want someone to talk to. We see in this play that when you have a special bond with someone you can also open yourself up to hurt and loss.
It’s amazing that a story so bleak can be so lighthearted at times. Maybe that’s what makes it so tragic.
But let’s not forget the technical side of the performance. The stage they constructed on set was amazing! It opened and folded into different scenes and created different atmospheres. I overheard a fellow audience member describing it as “a real clever floor.”
Even more incredible is the fact that they have a very little amount of time from when they arrive at the theatre to become familiar with the stage and the acoustics of the theatre. Additionally, they have a very intimate cast and crew who are understudies for each other.
Afterward, the actors used what little time they had to sit down for a Q&A with the audience before getting back on the bus for their next performance. Questions ranged from the more humorous “Was George and Lennie the first bromance?” to which actor Joseph Midyett made a classic reply highlighting Romeo and Mercutio as the original bromance to the more serious questions of motivations behind the characters and how the actors handled taking the characters on.
When asked why George would choose to stay with Lennie despite his frustrations, Midyett gave a very honest reply:
“There are people in your lives that are just so damn trouble that you don’t know why you love them but they’re yours.”
That’s something that I think most, if not all, of us can relate to.
We’d like to thank the Acting Company cast and crew for their wonderful performance of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men.